Final Exam
Welcome to the Final Exam! It's been a pleasure having everyone in class this semester and I hope that a lot was learned. For the Final, we are going to play with some number/letter games and some things from the lessons will pop up again. Let's begin!
The first part of this Final will consist of short answer, true/false, and fill in the blanks while the last part will be entirely of puzzles and writing options. Please send all of your work to with the subject line Arithmancy - FinalExam - HOL name. Also, please remember to put a header before each separate assignment option so I know what it is exactly the I'm grading. Deadline: January 15th / June 15th
Short Answer
10 points
1. Who was Septima Vector?
2. Who established the magical properties of the number 7?
3. Using the Agrippan Method, what letters correspond to 6?
4. What does vibrational number 3 mean?
5. How do you use your birthday to find your vibrational number?
Fill in the Blanks
10 points
1. There are ___ secret passages out of the castle shown on the __________ (full name of item).
2. They (seven vibrational number) are often _____, scholarly and interested in everything ______.
3. The _____ are where our modern _____ system came from.
4. We use numeral systems and _____ to learn Arithmancy to predict the future and people's _______.
5. The ______ Ratio number is _________ (full number).
True or False
10 points
1. Bridget Wenlock lived in the thirteenth century.
2. The number 8 is considered to be a lucky number in India.
3. Our character number involves adding up all the consonants in our name.
4. Numerology and Arithmancy are very closely related if not the same thing.
5. The Chaldean System uses the Arabic Alphabet.
15 points
What better puzzle related to Arithmancy than one where numbers correspond to letters - otherwise known as a cryptogram!
Alternatively, do some research on a magical number other than 7 and tell a bit about them. What number is it? Is it considered to be a lucky or unlucky number and why is it? Minimum of 150 words.
15 points
Another puzzle that deals entirely with numbers, the sudoku!
Alternatively, using one of the letters to numbers systems we've discussed, pick your favorite character from any universe and find one of their numbers (character, social, heart, or their birthday) and assess it. Does their vibrational number fit them or do you believe another one would better? What's one way their number fits them and what's a way it doesn't? Minimum 150 words.
5 points
Take this survey for an additional 5 points in case you missed some points (I would appreciate your responses).