Assignment One
Welcome to Assignment One!
Below you will find both the assignment and the extra credit at the bottom. Each is worth thirty points. Send all of your work to with the subject head as Arithmancy - HW1 - HOL Name for the assignment and Arithmancy - EC1 - HOL name for the extra credit. If for whatever reason, you are unable to complete an assignment, let me know and we can work out an alternative.
Deadline: January 15th / June 15th
Short Answer:
(10 points)
1. What is Arithmancy?
2. What two things were mentioned that Arithmancy deals with?
3. What form of magic is Arithmancy a part of?
4. Who do we credit with first making mathematics and numbers?
5. When was the symbol for zero created?
Fill in the Blanks:
(10 points)
1. The next time we see Arithmancy come around is in the ____ century when, in _____, the Chaldeans used it.
2. ____ (specific name) decided to show them visually through pebbles that were called ____.
3. There are set rules and it's a very measurable ______ branch of ______.
4. _____ (specific name) would assign ______ to the letters in each combatants name to figure out what the outcome of the battle would be.
5. The Chaldeans were renowned as _______ and astrologers in _____.
(10 points)
What do you think of Arithmancy? Do you believe it is a science or do you not find much of a difference between it and Divination? Do you think that it can really be used to predict the future or are you not convinced? Share your thought in at least 100 words.
Extra Credit:
(15 points)
Solve this Fallen Letters puzzle:
Alternatively, tell me which character liked Arithmancy in the HP series and why they did so much in at least 100 words.
Number System:
(15 points)
For this prompt, you get to create your own number system! You can do this in many ways - by drawing them out, describing what your numbers look like, explaining your number system. You can do this for numbers 1-9 or you might want to try your hand with the multiples of 10 - I will accept whatever numbers you decide to do this with. Minimum 150 words.