Assignment Four
Welcome to Assignment Four!
Below you will find both the assignment and the extra credit at the bottom. Each is worth thirty points. Send all of your work to with the subject head as Arithmancy - HW4 - HOL name for the assignment and Arithmancy - EC4 - HOL name for the extra credit. If for whatever reason, you are unable to complete an assignment, let me know and we can work out an alternative.
Deadline: January 15th / June 15th
Short Answer:
10 points
1. What year are you able to start taking Arithmancy at Hogwarts?
2. Who teaches Arithmancy at Hogwarts?
3. What was the Arithmancy professor also rather talented in?
4. What are people who study Arithmancy called?
5. What broomstick has the magical number in its name?
Fill in the Blanks:
10 points
1. If you did really well in Arithmancy and wanted to continue, you could do so in _____ _____ ______.
2. Arithmancy, obviously a very ________ subject is an important thing to learn as you learn not only a bit about Divination, but also about ________.
3. In order to be a Curse Breaker and work at ________, you have to have a ____ in Arithmancy.
4. ____________ (full name) lived in the thirteenth century and was a famous Arithmancer.
5. Wenlock saw the number ____ in the world around her and drawing from mythology, math, and science concluded the number had _____ elements to it.
10 points
As briefly discussed, math is not a prominent subject at Hogwarts and only shows up in Arithmancy a bit. Why do you think this is and do you believe that mathematics should be more highly encouraged in the wizarding world? Share your thought in at least 100 words.
Extra Credit
15 points
Four students have reached their third year and now get to choose which electives to take. Figure out which elective the four are really looking forward to taking, how long the class will be each day, and what days it will be.
1. The person taking Alchemy either has their class on Thursday or is Jacob.
2. The person taking Arithmancy doesn't have it on Monday.
3. The person taking Divination is Aurora.
4. The four people are Genevieve, the person whose class takes 1 1/2 hours, the person taking Muggle Studies, and the person who has their elective on Wednesday.
5. Of the person whose class takes 2 hours and Lewis, one is taking Divination and the other has their elective on Tuesday.
6. The person taking Muggle Studies either has it on Thursday or has it on Tuesday.
7. Neither Genevieve nor the person whose class is on Wednesday is the person with the 1 hour class.
Alternatively, share your thoughts on the magical number 7. Do you believe that 7 really has magical properties to it or do you think it's simply a coincidence how much it seems to show up in the magical world? Is there a logic behind all of this or is it more of something people like to believe without any solid evidence? Share your thoughts in at least 150 words.
15 points
Now that I've heard your opinion on mathematics at Hogwarts, how do you think they should go about teaching it if they decided to? Would they start with addition and subtraction or should they assume the children know how that works? How much math should they teach - just their multiplication tables and some word problems, or should it go up to, say, pre-calculus? Voice your opinion in at least 150 words.